We are a group dedicated to bringing you quality releases of Stella no Mahou and whatever else we want to do. These are some of the standards you will find in all of our releases:
- Retain honorifics
- Leave cultural terminology untranslated
- Use unobtrusive translation notes where necessary (wordplay, obscure cultural references, etc.)
- Include song lyrics (romaji and English)
- Basic styling and typesetting
- No credits/recruitment pages
We release to the sites that we use and that we think are good choices (don’t feature obtrusive ads, downscale images, or apply watermarks), but we also believe that user choice is important. These are the basics of how we distribute our releases:
- Manga is released chapter by chapter on Mangadex and Dynasty-scans and completed volumes are added to the series’ collection torrent and uploaded to nyaa.si, anidex.info, and nyaa.pantsu.cat
- Anime is released as torrents and uploaded to nyaa.si, anidex.info, and nyaa.pantsu.cat
- If you would like to put them on any other site, feel free to do so
- If the torrent download sites fail, you can still download them using the hash values provided on this site
- We will keep seeding the most recent version of a torrent for as long as possible. None of them should die before we do, but the speed and longevity ultimately depends on the swarm. Please seed.
Anyone can use any part of any of our releases with or without credit. If you’re not satisfied with the speed or quality of any of our projects and would rather do it yourself than help us, go ahead. Providing people with the best product and giving good series the treatment they deserve is more important than courtesies.
Since when did this fansub group formed? im just curious because just when i lose hope to having perfect BD anime releases, you guys emerged, you guys give animes the love they deserve actually i notice you guys just yesterday thanks for fate/kaleid releases i highly appreciated it.
About a year ago.
Hello, I want to translate Pop in Q in other language, can I use your subs as source?
Forgive me, forgot to put a name.
Yes. Anyone can use any of our releases for anything they want.
Thank you very much.
I’ll properly credit you obviously.
And it would be good very good if you’d provide me .ass file.
If you can’t, np then, I’ll just extract it from the video.
Here’s all the working files from the series. The .ass has a couple small fixes from the release version for things that were noticed after but weren’t big enough to justify an immediate v2. There are also a couple text files with song translations and notes that might help you, but most of the notes for this series are in the .ass itself since it was just the one file here. All the fonts and stuff can be pulled from the .mkv or animetosho.
Thank you very much ❤❤❤
Can you please fansub this “https://anidb.net/anime/1928”?
Please don’t die, guys.